• Am Back! or at least trying to be back

    Its been nearly a YEAR since my last post. I cannot believe how quick that went! I had a couple of friends who recently looked into this site and damn i felt shy/proud and embarrassed how they went through it and actually like it. Shy because obviously i do not know how to take compliments,…

  • You are my Sonshine

    4 years ago you were born. Bam!. You changed my life. Privilege to be your father, my bloodline. Within seconds of holding you for the first time in my arms, i made a vow to try my hardest to be a better man. A man who you could proudly say is your father one day.…

  • Our Country’s Airline, Our Pride

    Air Mauritius has been under administration for quite some time now. Ever since we have been hearing how badly managed it was and how the government refuse to put more money into the airline to save the employees. This has always been something that i could never understand. Each political party in power has always…

  • The False Truth

    We have all been seeing how social media is now one of the most if not the most powerful weapon for the society. Individuals tend to believe what they see in the media but does the media tends to show the truth? Can the truth be altered on social media? These are the questions we…

  • Help

    Since less than a week, Association for Population and Development (APD), are running a shelter. A shelter for a girls who have been sexually abused from age 20 days old to 17 years old. Yes you read right. And i have been given a wake up call ever since i first set foot in this…

  • Wakashio

    Recently, following the Covid pandemic, things were finally starting to get back to normal. Until you hear all over the new that a big carrier vessel got stuck in our lagoon down the south. Few days later, BOOM, that carrier is now spilling tons of oil in our lagoon. Tragic! However, having a bit of…

  • Dhaka 2020

    Its been so long that i felt the urge to write on my blog about something. It has been all routine for a while and visited place/countries i visited dozens of times. However, travelling to Dhaka gave me ‘that’ urge to write about it. Muslim Country is a must to be mentioned. Bangladesh has a…

  • 2020

    2019 has been a year full of obstacle and joy on both the profession and personal part of my life. What to expect from 2020? Well let’s start from Politics. Now that the election fever went down. It does not look any promising. Personally i have given the newly elected some breathing space since but…

  • Hard work pays off?

    A lot of things has been going through my mind recently but unfortunately, it has not been easy to find the right balance in terms of personal time (thats when i write stuffs), family time and work. Work has been to be honest a rough patch recently. A new investment with a very good prospective…

  • My Religion

    This time i wanted to write about religion, specifically my religion. Born and bred in hinduism, from a very young age i loved praying and had no issues with fasting. Afterall, vegetarian for a few days would not bother me at all. As i grew up, my belief was intact until i came back for…